What do you need? Not sure how to start your thesis or dissertation? Feeling deflated and despairing? Progressing slower than expected? Not maintaining sufficient momentum? Finding it difficult to get proper supervision? Get our thesis textbooks and essential resources so that you will have a blueprint for research success.
What do we do? Use our practical books to gain the confidence to produce an excellent thesis or dissertation. Our helpful publications are downloadable PDFs available for immediate use. These concise resources contain understandable information and straightforward explanations will help with every stage of the research journey.
The textbooks assist you with:
- Doing a thesis using a practical step-by-step guide.
- Developing a research proposal and choosing a topic.
- Searching for relevant literature review material.
- Critiquing sourced literature review material.
- Designing a primary research study.
- Collecting quantitative and qualitative data.
- Analysing and interpreting data.
- Discussing, reporting and presenting findings.
- Introducing and concluding a thesis or dissertation.
- Finalising and completing a thesis or dissertation.
- Preparing for a viva exam and presentation.
How do we do it? Join thousands of your fellow students and receive invaluable guidance from supportive experts who understand your research struggles. Use our thesis textbooks and essential resources to learn about the different stages of your dissertation journey. Learn the key facts when you need them most. Our publications help you acquire the information and knowledge to complete your thesis or dissertation.
How do we help? Janet’s supervisor was a distinguished researcher. An excellent academic mentor, knowledgeable and informative, but, unfortunately, disorganised and last-minute. Janet felt lost. She used our Developing Your Research Proposal book, and, therefore, identified her specific area of research. Janet was then able to set clear aims and objectives and design a realistic research proposal.
“I was really stuck. Thesis Upgrade’s publications helped me develop a brilliant research proposal. I found all their digital resources so useful for my thesis.” Janet Mensah, MSc Transport and Logistics.