Collecting quantitative and qualitative data

Data collection: An appropriate method of data gathering establishes the basis for generating credible research findings. Effectively collecting quantitative and qualitative data helps you answer your research questions and test your hypotheses. It is, therefore, vital you opt for a suitable procedure for your quantitative, qualitative or mixed method study. Sound and sensible choices also help you fulfil broader academic responsibilities, such as being an ethical researcher.

How textbook helps: The book about collecting quantitative and qualitative data is a useful resource. It describes how to decide on appropriate collection methods, such as questionnaires, surveys, interviews, focus groups or case studies, when conducting primary research. It also explains how to produce reliable and valid findings and uphold ethical research standards. Furthermore, the publication describes how to pick a suitable sampling strategy, get permission and arrange access to your research site. In addition, it sets out how to obtain informed consent and ensure the confidentiality of participant material.

Student story: Carla was finding it difficult to convert her high-level research design into a feasible primary research study. She was collecting qualitative data, but she did not know how to carry out the principle of informed consent. Our book took her through the approaches she could take and reinforced her position on principled decision-making. As a result, Carla gathered reliable, valid and appropriate data, while, at the same time, preserving an ethical relationship with her participants.

“Thesis Upgrade’s book helped me maintain the confidentiality of the data I collected. My participants had trusted me with their personal details, so I made sure I only used their information for its intended purpose.” Carla Iglesias, MSc Project Management.