Thesis toolbooks

What do you need?  Having trouble choosing a realistic topic? Finding it a challenge to write research questions or formulate hypotheses? Feeling overwhelmed with the huge amount of material available online? Encountering supervision problems with a dissertation advisor? We can help. Get our thesis toolbooks filled with techniques and worksheets.

What do we do? Thesis Upgrade’s toolbooks offer you quick and easy research success. These skills-based resources contain useful activities and practical checklists. They provide the tools to develop a realistic research proposal project plan and search for relevant material for a literature review.

How do we do it? Use our thesis toolbooks filled with techniques and worksheets so you can boost your thesis confidence. Do our user-friendly activities so you can improve your research skills. Engage with our thought-provoking checklists because they prompt deeper thinking about your topic. Complete achievable action plans and you will be able to design a viable roadmap for your study.

How do we help? Mustafa found it difficult to meet the demands of combining a challenging job as Product Manager, his family responsibilities, and his part-time postgraduate studies. As a result, he tried out the tools available from the Developing Your Research Proposal Toolbook. For instance, Mustafa found the project sheets particularly helpful, as they assisted him to plan proactively. He was, therefore, able to manage and coordinate the complex core tasks and timelines involved with his thesis.

I was so busy. Working evenings and weekends. Hardly ever seeing my family. Only able to study at lunchtime. The project sheets in Thesis Upgrade’s toolbook reminded me of the important things I needed to do and when I needed to do them. Both my supervisor and partner were delighted with the end result!” Mustafa Almari, Postgraduate Diploma in Product Management.